Posted Date: 01/17/2023
Classroom teachers are currently observing students for possible participation in our GT program for the 2023-2024 school year.
If you are interested in the possibility of having your child enrolled in our district Gifted & Talented program, please view the informational video on the school webpage and campus Facebook pages.
The video will provide information about gifted children and should give you a better understanding about what gifted education is all about. The video will also provide you with information about our local programs and the screening process that we use to determine program eligibility. After you view the information virtually you will have the opportunity to nominate your student for testing and possible entry into our program by visiting our GT page at Please be sure to complete the ‘Parent permission/request to screen’ and the ‘Parent Inventory’ that are located on that page. The completed documents should be sent to your student’s campus or emailed to the GT coordinator, Rachelle Meche. Students who are already identified as gifted and talented will not need to be nominated or reassessed.
After viewing this information virtually, you can reach out to Rachelle Meche at to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.
Students in kindergarten through 12th grade are eligible to be screened for Gifted and Talented (GT) at Kountze ISD through a nomination and screening process. All campuses in Kountze ISD provide screening, identification, and services for Gifted and Talented students. Students may be nominated for the gifted and talented program at any time by teachers, counselors, parents, or other interested persons.
The Kountze ISD GT coordinator, Rachelle Meche, can provide information and assistance with the GT nomination and screening process. The District will provide assessment opportunities to complete the screening and identification process for nominated/referred students at least one time per school year.
In order for a student to be identified as GT in Kountze ISD, data from several quantitative and qualitative criteria are collected and reviewed by the campus GT Decision-Making Committee.
The first step in the process is to complete the parent nomination form and turn it into the Campus GT Advocate at your child's school during the nomination window for your child's grade level. The form can be downloaded by clicking this link. Campus GT Advocates are not required to accept these forms for your child's grade level before the nomination window opens or after the nomination window closes.
January 17 Parent Informational Meeting Posted Virtually
January 27 Deadline for Parent Nomination Form
February 1 Roster of Student Testing Created
February/March Scheduling and Testing Begins
March 15 Committee Meetings Begin--Kindergarten
March 24 Parent Notification Letters Mailed for Kindergarten Students
April 11 Committee Meetings Begin--Gr. 1-12
May 19 or earlier Parent Notification Letters Mailed for All Other Grades